Why we love GIFTING

Why we love GIFTING

This guy… this guy right here is what makes us love what we do.  Why gifting?  Of all the things we could do in the world, why did we choose gifting as our business?  It’s all about acknowledging people that mean so much to us and to others.  Jim Peery, a resident of Sandy, Utah can be found out along the outer sidewalks of his neighborhood, cleaning up.  He weeds, scoops up garbage and debris and does it all in his motorized scooter.  Jim lost the function of his legs almost 20 years ago, but he never wanted to stop being mobile.  He had a thought that so many of us do, regarding all sorts of issues.  He saw a problem and thought, “they need someone to ‘take care’ of that”.  Then he realized, “I’m somebody. I can do it.”  

Many people, just like Jim, see a problem out and about.  We see things that need to be handled or taken care of and we too often think, “someone should do something about that”.  What makes Jim different is that he realized he is someone.  He is just the kind of person who deserves the kindness a simple gift can provide.   And don’t get me wrong… this isn’t a sales pitch.  A kind word, a thoughtful act, a time to serve or a gift of recognition are all ways we can thank people like Jim.   I have driven past him myself several times and I have wondered who he is and how he is able to do the amount of work he does from his scooter.   It wasn’t until an article written about him captured my eye that I knew this would be the subject of my next post.

As he completes a day’s work of volunteering and leaves behind 10-15 bags of leaves, trash and other debris, he doesn’t seek any recognition.  Well, I’m so glad someone thought the opposite.  This guy deserves recognition and THIS GUY DESERVES A GIFT!  See the story by Julie Slama in it’s entirety at https://www.sandyjournal.com/2019/06/18/201910/jim-peery-takes-pride-in-cleaning-sandy-sidewalks-on-his-scooter