The How-To Guide on Corporate Gifting Tip 2

The How-To Guide on Corporate Gifting Tip 2

The HOW-TO’s of corporate gift giving


What should I give to a client who has recently lost a loved one?  What should I give to an employee who just got married?  From whom should it be — just me or the company?  What will show I care but isn’t too personal?  These are all the questions companies face in today’s politically correct environment.  Just like you leave the task of fixing the copier to a copier technician, you should feel comfortable leaving the decisions of what to give in certain situations to a gifting professional.  Gifting companies have seen it all — from the weird and wacky gift requests, to the tacky and overzealous gift givers.

Here is where you can really make sure you hit the mark.

Tip 1) Make it personal, but not too personal.  The last thing you want is to leave the recipient feeling awkward.  For instance, if you were to give a piece of jewelry or a flower arrangement to an outstanding employee, we suggest you have it be from the company or from the team.  This is not the time to have it come from you, the adoring stalker.

Tip 2) Make it memorable, but not over the top.  Although your client might love a new car, this is not an appropriate gift if you are wanting to thank them for a referral.  Make sure the gift is considerate and worthwhile, and don’t attempt to make it too obvious or boisterous.  A singing telegram is a funny gesture if you know someone well, but it might seem out of place prancing into the CFO’s office.

Tip 3) Keep it appropriate.  Alcohol should only be given to those you know enjoy a drink.  A great BBQ set shouldn’t be given to a traveling visitor.  A folding stadium seat should either match their favorite team’s colors or at the very least not match their rival team’s colors.  A logoed item, aka swag, should be tasteful.  Don’t spend $100 on a beautiful wool throw and then have your logo cover half the space.  And this comes from someone who sells swag for a living.  We believe the truth trumps the dollar.

Tip 4) Understand industry and corporate regulations.  Government agencies, mortgage and title companies, and the education sector are all good examples of industries that monitor gift receiving.  Food gifts that can be shared at the office are typically exempt from strict guidelines.   A simple protocol — if it can be shared, don’t be scared.  If you happen to be a drug rep, don’t worry — none of these rules apply to you.

And remember , give in small ways.  Give often.  Give when you think of it and don’t procrastinate.  Giving feels good and instills the habit of thoughtfulness — something we can always use more of in the corporate world.  Give on.  Give freely.    And remember, giving is good.